Managing Aggressive Behaviour and Lone Working

Most of the people we deal with are rational and well intentioned. However, in recent times there have been reports of an up-surge in threatening or aggressive behaviour towards members of staff. This un-acceptable behaviour may be verbal or physical.

It may occur at a busy counter in a cash office, motor taxation, library or other area where members of the public are present. It may also occur when, as Lone Workers, we interact with members of the public at their premises or in public areas, e.g. Litter Wardens, Environment/Water Inspectors, Pollution Officers etc.

All employers have a responsibility to manage their operations so as to provide, as far as is reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy workplace and systems of work for their employees. This includes developing procedures and providing training.


To provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to assist them to work safely while alone and also in dealing with aggressive and violent persons while at work.

What is covered on our 3 hr course?

  • An overview of relevant safety legislation
  • Procedure as set out in your Safety Statement (if required and provided)
  • Customer’s expectations
  • Underlying causes of conflict
  • Rational/emotional mindset
  • Triggers/inhibitors
  • The hazards of Lone Working
  • Safe procedures for Lone Working
  • Communication
  • Your personal security and how to be sure
  • Raising the alarm.
  • Attitudes/behaviour
  • Escalation/calming/defusing
  • Exit strategies
  • Dynamic risk assessment
  • Post incident learning cycle


We also carry out a written assessment.

Each participant will receive a certificate of attendance issued by FPPI which is valid for 2 years.

Our course is aimed at members of staff who personally deal with the public, whether working alone or as part of a team/work crew and their Line Managers and Supervisors.

 This course can be provided over health and safety training via zoom dublin ireland

Maximum number of learners : 20
Course duration : 3 hours

Enquire about this course